Earn money with real estate

Earn money with real estate

Earn money with real estate.

You can make money with real estate by buying and renting out a home. CasaLasDunas has years of experience with this. However, there is more we can do for you!

One can also buy and sell a house or apartment.

Buy, renovate and sell at a profit

Renovating a house for sale is the simplest form of making money with real estate. You buy and sell it for (hopefully) a profit, possibly after a renovation. But what is the best way to renovate your house in Spain in order to sell it at a profit? What should you renovate and what should you not renovate?

The art of achieving a good return on a purchase and sale lies in the purchase. A house that looks neglected sells poorly and could use a professional renovation or good painting. The big advantage is that CasaLasDunas can help you with this and have connections with the right people so that your home can be sold much faster and at a profit. Especially in a country in Spain where you are not always present, we can find the cream of the crop through good negotiation and help you with the project.

Investing in real estate for returns

With a smart renovation you can make the house a lot more attractive by later selling it via CasaLasDunas at a profit. We are happy to discuss the various options to make the best possible investment.

But we can also help if you suffer from overdue maintenance or if you want to sell your current home. Are the bathroom and kitchen in your home in need of a makeover? Or can you add value to your home with an extension? Do you want to include the garage in the home? We are happy to help you, ask about the possibilities.

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