Free cancellation

Free cancellation

Do you have an accommodation in mind, but would you like some time to think about it? No problem! Book the accommodation in advance to be sure of the price and availability. If you ultimately decide not to make the reservation, in many cases* you have the option to cancel the booking free of charge within 3 days.

Free Cancellation Conditions:

We cannot offer free cancellation on:

  • A booking with arrival within 3 weeks.
  • A booking on request.
  • Already existing bookings. Bookings that are changed at a later time (for example a new departure date, or someone is added) can no longer be canceled free of charge.

How does free cancellation work?

Once you have booked, you can cancel for free within a certain period. With us, this period is a maximum of 3 working days (Monday to Friday) and starts on the day of booking.

The closer you book before departure, the shorter the cancellation period or even not applicable. You can find these terms in the general terms and conditions.

After canceling your booking for free, you will receive a confirmation by email within 3 days (your booking has already been canceled immediately). You can then expect your down payment to be refunded within 10 days.
