CasaLasDunas registered real estate agent and member of the professional association API

CasaLasDunas registered real estate agent and member of the professional association API

CasaLasDunas: registered real estate agent and member of the professional association API

Due to a change in the law in the Comunidad Valenciana (Castellon, Valencia and Alicante), not everyone can become a real estate agent with effect from October 1, 2023. The government has decided that as of that date all real estate agents in Spain must register and this registration is subject to a number of conditions. The most important condition is that the broker must have thorough training or has successfully completed a 240-hour course designed for this purpose. In addition to training, the broker must also have a bank guarantee of €60,000 and professional third-party liability insurance. The reason for this is simple: the government wants more transparency and protection for consumers. Others say that the 'cowboys' in this profession will disappear and it will be clear that proliferation will be stopped.

CasaLasDunas is now registered as a real estate agent in the register of real estate agents of the Comunidad Valenciana and has become a member of the professional association API for recognized real estate agents in Spain. CasaLasDunas therefore meets all requirements set by the government. CasaLasDunas also has qualified employees, a network of professional lawyers and, for example, an escrow account for financial guarantees. So feel free to visit us in San Fulgencio or visit us online:
