Positive developments in Spain

Positive developments in Spain
6 May 2021

Dear Spain enthusiasts,

In this newsletter we have some interesting, positive topics.

Firstly, as of next Sunday 9-5-2021 at 11:59 pm the alarm status in Spain expires. The alarm status is the legal blanket to which a number of COVID measures are attached.

For example, from Monday 10-5-2021 it is again possible to travel freely between the Spanish provinces. The curfew will end as well, although the President of Valencia is still in consultation to put it back, but for a shorter duration.

The Spanish government will release the new measures this weekend, which will apply from 10-5-2021 to 25-5-2021. What exactly will happen to the face masks, bans on gatherings and the current restrictions on the hospitality industry will therefore become clear in the weekend.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Spanish Costas this year!

Are you orientating yourself to a property in Spain, or are you already further along in the process and would you like a personal conversation with one of our employees?

We are happy to make an appointment with you, please contact  us for more information.

We're ready for summer, are you?


It´s finally time to reunite!

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