Top 3 exceptional Spanish landscapes

Top 3 exceptional Spanish landscapes
5 Aug 2021

Spain is rich in special landscapes. The Spanish professional association for geologists selected their top 3 Spanish landscapes. From dramatic rock formations and deep fissures to impressive volcanoes, towering cliffs and interesting dinosaur tracks.

Caves of San José – Valencia

In Valencia you can also dive into the underground, but here too there are caves formed by nature. North of the city of Valencia in Val l d’Uixó you will find the limestone caves of San José with the longest navigable underground river in Europe.

Capa Negra de Agost – Alicante

In Alicante, the Capa Negra de Agost is on the list of geologists. The Capa Negra, literally black layer, is a dark soil layer that marks the transition from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary. About 66 million years ago, a meteorite struck the Mexican Yucatán, hitting a crater 180 km wide in the earth. This caused a huge cloud of dust, which made it dark on Earth for a long time. It was then many plants and animals, including the dinosaurs, became extinct. The precipitated dust has formed an outcrop that rises above the ground at Agost.

Volcano Cerro Gordo – Ciudad Real

Also in Castile-La Mancha is the volcano Cerro Gordo, southeast of Ciudad Real, where you can also walk through the crater when visiting. The volcano is part of the Campo de Calatrava. In this area, volcanic activity from different geological periods, from over 8 million years ago to the most recent geological epoch, has formed many different types and shapes of volcanoes, with an extraordinary amount of crater lakes.


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