Virtual or physical, we are happy to advise you!

Virtual or physical, we are happy to advise you!
9 Apr 2021

CasaLasDunas offers a wide range from apartments to luxury villas in all price ranges, both resale and new construction. Despite the corona crisis that we are still in, we note that the interest in a second home on one of the Spanish Costas has not diminished. We actually see the exact opposite in our daily requests.

Due to new working methods which have been adopted by the many working from home, we received more requests to be in contact with each other via Zoom, Teams, and other programs. This can be done on any day and any time it suits you, plus it is not subject to a time limit. We personally answer all your questions and then send you all information without obligation.

The option to do remote viewings is also a new way to orientate yourself during the period when travel is not yet officially allowed. In this way we can get to know each other face to face and make a tour through the houses that have been selected by you in advance. This can be done via Facetime or video calling via WhatsApp.

Dreaming is looking ahead and a good preparation is part of that.

This way you are prepared and you will just have to pack your suitcase and visit the potential homes of your choice with us in real time, when it´s allowed again.

If you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to help you on your way to Spain. 

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